It's December! We will be celebrating 12 days of Christmas Div0 Style. For the next 12 days, we will be making a post each day on a useful tool that can be found in Kali Linux.
On the 1st Day of Christmas, Div0 gave to me ... Custom Word List Generator (CeWL).
CeWL crawls through a target website and returns all the unique words found.
cewl <target-site>
By default, this command will crawl through the target website, stopping at a maximum depth of 2. Also, it will (by default) return words that are at least of length 3.
To view all the CeWL options:
cewl --help
Some other useful options are:
-w / --write: Output to a word
-d / --depth <int>: Set the depth for CeWL to crawl
-m / --min_word_length: The minimum word length
-e / --email_file <filename>: Output email addresses to a file
Shared by Tan Jun Hao.